As the cold weather approaches, most people’s thoughts turn to home, hearth and family. Mine turn, unequivocally, to cashmere.
It started with a serendipitous purchase last winter. I happened upon a lovely tomato red Kenzie cashmere cardigan in Winners, and following the Cinderella’s Folly philosophy, purchased one in sage green and black as well. That was enough to tide me through the long, cold winter. But this year I, like the rest of the retail masses, have been caught up in sea of cashmere that is showing up in every store, from coats to scarves to cozy sweaters. I have become a cashmere glutton.
The latest focus of this gluttony has been the sinful luxury of Club Monaco’s Claudine wrap sweater, available in the most delicious winter cream. I have been tracking this elusive piece of cashmere for weeks now, calling the stores to see if it was on sale. Yesterday I struck gold. A salesperson, who I had been calling for days, replied in a bored voice that it wasn’t on sale. When I said sadly that it was out of my grasp at regular price, she mentioned, as if the thought had just occurred to her, “Well, it’s not on sale, but it is on promotion. Today is the last day. 30% off.”
The heavens opened and angels sang. Telling myself that I could not miss such a divine opportunity, I cleared my calendar for the afternoon and rushed to the downtown store, the only one to have it in stock. Now me and my Claudine sweater are one, and never the twain shall part.
Pick up your own at Club Monaco stores for $239. But, wait for the 30% off ‘promotion’ – it’s sure to come again before the holiday season is out.
It started with a serendipitous purchase last winter. I happened upon a lovely tomato red Kenzie cashmere cardigan in Winners, and following the Cinderella’s Folly philosophy, purchased one in sage green and black as well. That was enough to tide me through the long, cold winter. But this year I, like the rest of the retail masses, have been caught up in sea of cashmere that is showing up in every store, from coats to scarves to cozy sweaters. I have become a cashmere glutton.
The latest focus of this gluttony has been the sinful luxury of Club Monaco’s Claudine wrap sweater, available in the most delicious winter cream. I have been tracking this elusive piece of cashmere for weeks now, calling the stores to see if it was on sale. Yesterday I struck gold. A salesperson, who I had been calling for days, replied in a bored voice that it wasn’t on sale. When I said sadly that it was out of my grasp at regular price, she mentioned, as if the thought had just occurred to her, “Well, it’s not on sale, but it is on promotion. Today is the last day. 30% off.”
The heavens opened and angels sang. Telling myself that I could not miss such a divine opportunity, I cleared my calendar for the afternoon and rushed to the downtown store, the only one to have it in stock. Now me and my Claudine sweater are one, and never the twain shall part.
Pick up your own at Club Monaco stores for $239. But, wait for the 30% off ‘promotion’ – it’s sure to come again before the holiday season is out.